Identifies as: Canadian, White
Chloe enjoys getting stoned and snorkelling in her wetsuit, hanging out with her cat Rex, and reading science fiction.
Within this report you will find a not at all brief exploration of who we are, why we are, how we are, where we are, and what we are. As things change and shift, we will reflect that here — we’ve also included a time stamp so you always know when this report was last updated.
👋 Avatars of people, brands, and products are clickable, unless they’ve asked not to be.
In full transparency, we promised we would have this report finished by October 2020. We recognize that it's July ... of 2021. Needless to say, going through this process took way longer than we anticipated. If we didn’t call that out, then what’s the point of even doing this? With all of that said, here it is. We hope you like it.
Founders, freelancers, The Feedback Department, models, and more!
It should be noted that we set our bios up like dating profiles because we thought it would be funny — and because Chloe and Shafeez met on Tinder (lol).
To constantly check our biases, we set up a small feedback department comprised of 5 cannabis consumers.
Since October 2020, we’ve been engaging with each of member of the Feedback Dept both individually, and in groups on a month-to-month basis. All of our communication currently exists on Slack, however we will be expanding to video calls, and in-depth interviews as we gear up for our next custom product. *Shameless teaser.*
Our conversations range from gathering feedback about this very report, to answering questions about current products, testing prototypes for new products, and learning more about their needs as people who like weed.
We wanted to bring together a group of people who all have varied experiences, and interactions with cannabis. From those using cannabis medicinally, recreationally, to the everyday weed-loving consumer.
While building an internal feedback loop was new to us (and we're still learning), what we did know was that if we were going to continue to inform our perspective, it needed to be inclusive of folx that come from all walks of life.
By bringing an unbiased group of humans into the work we do at Another Room, we are holding ourselves accountable to creating through a more informed and accessible lens.
We've been lucky to meet, and work with an incredible network of freelancers, photographers, developers, models, and just generally fantastic humans.
Below is a long list of everyone who has ever worked with Another Room.
We're constantly finding cool new humans on Instagram. If we find someone we want to work with, we send them a friendly DM and start the conversation.
Within our network
Asking friends for friends. Chloe, Shafeez, and ------ have lived many freelance lives which gave them all a fairly extensive network of freelance creatives to connect with.
This is one of our favourite ways — We’ve worked with many people who have been recommended or introduced to us through a mutual connection of some kind.
We will ensure that at least 50% of any external humans and/or wizards we work with identify as BIPOC.
Why this is important?
There are many talented folx across Canada and The U.S. who identify as BIPOC, and it's our responsibility to create equity in how we find and discover who we work with.
How will we achieve this?
We will no longer rely on the network we've built regardless of ease as an excuse. Instead, we will put more call outs on Instagram and our website for creators to work with, and incorporate more time into discovering creatives on Dribbble and Instagram.
How will we measure this?
Each quarter, we will conduct a review of our long list of people, and ensure we continue to meet the capacity we've set.