Within this report you will find a not at all brief exploration of who we are, why we are, how we are, where we are, and what we are. As things change and shift, we will reflect that here — we’ve also included a time stamp so you always know when this report was last updated.
👋 Avatars of people, brands, and products are clickable, unless they’ve asked not to be.
In full transparency, we promised we would have this report finished by October 2020. We recognize that it's July ... of 2021. Needless to say, going through this process took way longer than we anticipated. If we didn’t call that out, then what’s the point of even doing this? With all of that said, here it is. We hope you like it.
A TLDR of our design process, product categories, and a list of everything we sell including what it's made of, and where it's manufactured.
Our initial brainstorming almost always involves smoking a joint together on FaceTime. We decide on who the note–taker will be (we take turns) and run through a set of questions that include:
What are we solving for?
Why are we solving this problem?
Why do people need this?
Where will this product live?
What will it take to build this?
Once we've gone on one too many tangents, we break and set Another Time to run through our notes. The next meeting is usually an early morning (when both of our brains are at their best), and is always highly caffeinated. Things we’re ready to action on move into the roadmap, and things we want to learn more about go into what we call The Idea Playground — it's like a garage for our ideas.
From there, it’s timelines, kanban boards, all neatly wrapped into two week sprints. Shoutout to Notion #notanad
*This doesn't include all of the freak outs, early mornings, late nights, balls dropped and picked back up, crying, vent sessions, and all that comes with creating.
Like a mini legend for our goods.
The full list of accessories we sell, where they're manufactured, and what they're made of.
Introducing our 3D printed stoner solutions, AND a new way for us to test a wide gamut of fun and functional ideas, in a low–waste production process.
We currently sell 4 types of Jointlockers — the regular, double, squared, and mini.
Our first collection of things you can wear!
Things we made in partnership with brands we love.
Create a sustainable and ethical set of standards before manufacturing any new products in a factory.
Why this is important?
It’s our responsibility to develop products in a sustainable manner, and take deeper consideration of our impact as a consumer goods brand. While it wasn’t the focus from day 1, it needs to be a core part of what we do everyday going forward.
How will we achieve this?
Building a roadmap and timeline to create our standards, learning and getting guidance from other brands who have done this well, and finding a factory that aligns with the standards we’ve put in place — this means having a complete understanding of their materials, processes, as well as how factory workers are compensated and treated.
How will we measure this?
We will publish our complete set of standards for you to hold us accountable.